Hear'say4u - Caption Fun


Caption Fun

I had an e-mail from someone suggesting I put on the site a Guess The Caption section so here you are, all for a bit of fun!

All you have to to is to take a good look at the picture below and e-mail me your suggestion as to what's going on with Noel and Myleene there and what they are saying.

I'll display your suggestions on the site so get thinking and e-mailing!!!

Guess a caption!

Here are some I've had so far......

I think Myleene is saying to Noel, "Oh my god, Nigel (Mullethead) has got a 'Right Said Fred' haircut"

By Julie Chapman

Myleene is saying to Noel, "Oh my god! Noel, is that Nasty Nigel doing a rugby try?"

Love Kelly xxx

Noel regrets telling Myleene about the Saint Helens modelling audition, Myleene stole the show with her "oh my god, I've won the lottery" face.

Whilst Noel was forced to stand in the back doing his puppy dog face, which quite frankly, EVERYONE is tired of.

(This caption is a joke and I do not mean to cause ANYONE offence)

By Sarah

Hear'say-4-u is 100% unofficial. All the information or images on this site are from The Official Popstars website, magazines or related sites. If you see something here that you're not happy with, e-mail me and I'll remove it. Thanks. This site is just for fun and for the fans and not a money making sheme.